Thursday, August 27, 2020

Technology Used By Drug Dealers Information Technology Essay

Innovation Used By Drug Dealers Information Technology Essay The Report examine about the instance of a captured street pharmacist who is associated with the activities which are running with the assistance of PC. In the initial segment of the report it gives the insights regarding principle innovations which the presume causes use so as to speak with his co-schemers, it additionally calls attention to the issues presented by the advancements in doing the measurable examination. In the second part the report examine about the potential wellsprings of proof which could be gotten from the PCs document framework. 2. PC Forensics: PC legal sciences is a part of legal science allowing to legitimate proof found in PCs and advanced stockpiling media, it is otherwise called computerized legal sciences. The objective of PC crime scene investigation is to clarify the current condition of a computerized relic; where as the term advanced curio can incorporates PC framework, stockpiling medium and an electronic archive. The subject of PC legal sciences has advanced into significant field in the legitimate frameworks around the globe, in the year 2002 the FBI expressed that 50% of the cases the FBI presently opens include a computer[1].similar to the neurotic scientific which is known as the criminological medication where as the internal heat level cuts and stamps and so forth are searched for, pieces of information and imprints are searched inside the framework memory to get the detail portrayal which impacts to the relationship of the wrongdoing, these are looked by the computerized measurable. We can make a test for the advanced legal which includes recovering the information from the current or from the erased documents. The test of the computerized scientific analyst is to To figure out what kind of pasts have been delivered the proof before us. To comprehend what sort of pasts couldn't have delivered the proof before us. Ready to give a showing on the estimation of the appraisal to the outsiders which it ought to be understanding to them. 3. Innovation utilized by street pharmacists: As per the current investigation we need to discover the responses for the inquiries that are basic which are the conceivable key innovations that the street pharmacist could potential uses it, There are three inquiries: Qno1: what is the requirement for the unlawful street pharmacists to turn on the PC innovations to maintain their business? Qno2: What are the appealing innovations that a street pharmacist uses to play out his correspondence with co-backstabbers without being gotten by the police? Qno3: How and what potential ends can be acquired from the examination? 4. about the new innovation: Ans1: answer to the first is twofold. Ans2: the most recent correspondence innovations utilized by the street pharmacists are To contact the bigger crowd and to extend the base of the business To run the tasks as furtively as could reasonably be expected Furthermore, not to leave any proof to the police. As indicated by the current circumstance the dealings and the business runs by utilizing the cell phones, cell phones are the most broadly utilized by the street pharmacists for the correspondence yet this pattern is changing in light of the fact that now a days the mobiles can be tapped on the system and regardless of whether the telephone is lost or lost then the contacts of all the street pharmacists can be uncovered and by utilizing the cell phones they cannot impart in the packed spots. Consequently the choice of the better approaches for correspondence is up and coming. The appearance of present day organize advancements like PC to PC correspondence advances and long range informal communication sites had made the correspondence solid and had opened the better approaches to impart through the different spots for the every person. The advances embraced by the street pharmacists for the correspondence is Spamming net street pharmacist gets 30years in jail uncovered by CNET news in the year 2007 second eminent Italian street pharmacists as early connectors of creative interchanges innovation uncovered by Experiential in the year 2008 23rd eminent. Google site utilized by tranquilize group uncovered by BBC news in the year 2005 22nd July. 5. Key advances utilized for correspondences by street pharmacists: Recorded underneath are a portion of the key correspondence innovations that a street pharmacist is accepted to use to play out his activities. 1. Moment detachment programs 2. Long range interpersonal communication sites 3. VOIP programs 4. Email encryption programs and spamming. 5. Content sharing sites. 6. Private online talk rooms. 7. Blogging and small scale blogging sites. Moment courier Programs: Moment courier programs had been the principle source in light of the fact that these are quick and simple and they are accessible in the market for a very while now, well known projects like Google talk, yippee dispatcher, windows live delegate, meebo and numerous other are utilized by an enormous number of clients. These moment emissary projects can be connected with free moment envoy talk encryption programming which is utilized to accessible effectively in the web. IM ENCRYPTO is one such programming which can be utilized related to the yahoo courier and build up the protected associations which must be deciphered by the PC which is having the right encryption key. Having introduced the program should be created a key pair which is utilized for the encryption and unscrambling, this sort of activity is performed on the second phase of IM Crypto design wizard, and one progressively significant point about the product is that the others can't see the talk messages and they just observe the jumbled arrangement of characters, yet this product must be introduced by the two gatherings where the correspondence is finished. Person to person communication sites: There are such huge numbers of person to person communication sites like face book, orkut, Hi5, Friendster MySpace, net log and so on, The long range interpersonal communication destinations likewise fill the subjective need of the medication showcase as larger part of the buyers of unlawful medications happen to be adolescents who are additionally biggest spenders of time on the informal communication sites and consequently they have an incredible likelihood of being reached by a street pharmacist. The street pharmacist could likewise utilize these interpersonal interaction locales to stay in touch, trade data, publicize his items, enlist new medication sellers, and get data on occasions and understudy social events all at the simple and security offered by these sites. Orkut is one such mainstream site which it is to be worked by the Google which it is on the news on the ongoing days for an inappropriate reasons. Crooks, for example, the medication sellers set up individuals just gatherings on famous long range informal communication sites and afterward trade messages and data with different individuals. And furthermore the appearance of 3G portable correspondences guaranteed versatility and quicker availability to the web. Subsequently the street pharmacists can impart through long range informal communication sites directly from their cell phones utilizing unbound wifi problem areas and henceforth escape un-distinguished. Like Instant delegate programs, the social networkings sites can likewise utilized on the 3G telephones and thus represent a peril of profoundly secure correspondence station to the medication vendors. VOIP programs: VoIP projects could possibly be the most famous and valuable correspondence between the street pharmacists since programming projects like Skype is so helpful in the correspondence since it offers with the less expense and even it is the made sure about correspondence Skype has been the most utilized programming in the VoIP programs which are trailed by windows ambassador and hurray delivery person. These VoIP programs is what it encourages the street pharmacists to impart by the voice and by the video with their clients through the web, it is the most secure correspondence to the street pharmacists and these discussions can't be blocked by the police. As indicated by the Reports in BBC site, officials in milian state composed wrongdoing, arms and medication dealers, and prostitution rings are going to Skype so as to baffle agents. expressed that on 20/05/2010 that the Italy police caution of Skype danger Skype program is secure on the grounds that it utilizes the encryption framework and it is effectively accessible in the market where as the encryption framework the organization keeps the issue classified and even it doesn't unveils to the law authorization offices. So as per the sources accessible in VoIP programs the street pharmacists utilizes this correspondence to play out their tasks. Email encryption programs and spamming: Information encryption is where it is done in a procedure since no one can peruse the information or message expects the individual whom the information is tended to. Street pharmacists will utilize the distinctive email encryptions like pipeline trade, ensured mail, read inform, which these encryptions work with the email customers like Microsoft-standpoint. Street pharmacists send the spam messages to the individuals through email about their business, they utilize the email correspondence as the source to their notices in free off costs we have seen such a significant number of spam messages show up in Google mail accounts. As of late a well known site named expressed on 17/05/2010 that medication managing spammers hits the Gmail accounts Encryption is a procedure that it changes the information into a drivel an incentive by utilizing the scientific calculations this encourages the street pharmacists to impart the information to the tended to individual, and no other can peruse the information, rubbish esteem implies the information will be written in specialized word or in the inane sentences, if the beneficiary has the classified key expected to decode the message the date will be changed back to the first message. The expanding marvel occurring in the web is that if the crooks employing the spammers and the authorities in IT, on the grounds that the can advance the site where the medications can be sold unlawfully. However, these kinds of spammed sites can be immediately found, yet the medication following sellers utilize the diverse different layers. 5. Content sharing sites: Content sharing sites like mega transfer, quick offer, Z Share and so on are utilized by the street pharmacists for co

Saturday, August 22, 2020

All My Sons essays

Every one of My Sons expositions The citation We are the reason for our own snags, by Meister Eckhart is exceptionally illustrative of how life is. The citation implies that the issues in ones life are brought about by that people activities. I mostly conviction this announcement since I conviction that indeed, your activities influence you, they influence others too, messing up them that they didn't welcome on themselves. In the event that I choose to put a coin on a railroad track, when the train comes it will wreck. Sure I may go to prison for my activities which shows that I carried the difficulty to myself, however it additionally influences the individuals who were on the train. It was not their shortcoming that I put the coin on the track and as a result of me, I potentially murdered or hurt numerous individuals. In this model, I have caused some minor hindrances for myself, however have caused fantastic impediments for the individuals riding the train and furthermore their family and family members. Arthur Miller shows this understanding of the citation in All My Sons. In this play, Joe Keller sends some broke chamber heads during the war and they are put in certain planes. The planes crash and murder twenty-one men. Joe Keller goes to prison for a little yet he is without set since he was not at the shop when the heads were dispatched. Rather he had his accomplice, Steve Deever, send the chamber heads and Joe remained at home to keep up a plausible excuse. Steve, nonetheless, is rebuffed substantially more harshly. He was accused of the wrongdoing and was sent to jail since he was the real one who provided the request. This shows how Joe Keller's activities didnt truly impact him much. It influenced all the ones who were murdered and their families. It additionally influenced Steve Deever and his family. During the time spent rebuffing others with his activities, Joe likewise influenced his child Larry. Larry couldnt conviction what his dad had done. To rebuff his dad and make him see what he had fouled up, Larry executes himself. This activity shows Joe t... <!

Friday, August 21, 2020

How Can Professional Papers Be Written?

How Can Professional Papers Be Written?People commonly employ the help of professionals in the writing of professional papers because they want to make the writing of professional papers more efficient and they also want to ensure that the presentation of the work to the clients or the colleagues does not become difficult. A number of students too prefer to hire professional papers written services because they want to get their work written in a manner which will satisfy the particular project manager or professor.Therefore, the process of writing professional papers for the purpose of preparing a report, dissertation or thesis needs to be carried out under the guidance of a certified professional. The main objective of hiring a writer who specializes in writing professional papers is to ensure that the work is written in a precise manner. The professional writers should be highly specialized in writing professional papers because they will be dealing with people whose English is no t as good as that of the speakers from the American College English.The second objective of the writers for writing professional papers is to get the work written according to the specific instructions given by the project managers or professors. These instructions may have been previously provided by the clients or students or the lecturers or students who are going to give the course work. Thus, they need to ensure that the project managers or the professors do not find fault with the project. This is because they may send a project where there will be problems regarding the quality of the project written by the other team members.There are various companies who offer professional papers written services and these companies have experts who can write professionally. They can help in the written reports written by the project managers or the professors. The companies therefore are in a position to ensure that the project gets completed in a specific manner.Projects which are meant for the usage of students can always be written in a specific manner by the students. However, some projects which are meant for the use of employees of the organization itself, can never be written professionally unless and until the writers have adequate knowledge and understanding about the organization where the project is related to. Some of the jobs that cannot be written by the students themselves are for the use of the project managers, the instructors and the researchers.The professionals therefore can be hired for the professional papers written by the project managers and the professors. This is because the written documents need to be written in a way so that it clearly states the thoughts of the project managers and the professors. They can ensure that the project gets written in a way which does not require corrections or any other changes being made by the other team members, for instance the students.The project managers and the professors have great influence on the work done by the students. Therefore, the written reports written by the students need to be checked and approved by the professors before they are submitted for the use of the project managers or the lecturers. Thus, there are instances where a project which requires the quality of the project written by the project managers would not be approved by the professors. Hence, the students need to be hired to do the work for the project managers and the lecturers or the researchers.When it comes to the written reports written by the students, they should always check whether the projects written by the students have been approved by the projects. If the projects are not approved, the student should avoid writing the report and should always go back to the end to determine whether the projects which have been written by the students have been approved by the projects. The students must also ensure that the projects which have been written by the students have been approved by the projec ts.

Monday, May 25, 2020

The Main Causes of World War 1 Essay - 1295 Words

Great War, also known as The First World War, lasted for four year (1914 to 1918). It brought a huge development of war technics and weapons. More number of countries had been involved in the Great War than any previous war. It involved the mobilization of the whole nations, not just an enormous army that turned the war into a â€Å"total war†. (Clare 6) However, historians are still arguing about the major cause of the World War I. The major cause will be one of the four long-term causes of WWI, which are Militarism, Alliance, Imperialism, and Nationalism. In my opinion, the two major causes would be Alliance and Nationalism. Alliance is an association between two or more countries for mutual benefits that formed with different treaties, while†¦show more content†¦Bismarck’s alliance system brought peace between the European countries. (Stewart, Fitzgerald, Pickard 12) His alliance system starts with a treaty with Austria-Hungary who was one of the 5 powers in Europe. In 1879, Germany and Austria-Hungary signed the Dual Alliance, which was planned as a merely defensive arrangement or military alliance. Both governments promised that they should help or remain neutral when other powerful countries such as Russia or France attack. (Stewart, Fitzgerald, Pickard 13) The second allied country was with Italy. In 1882, Bismarck turns Dual Alliance into Triple Alliance by making Italy to join in his alliance system. Since Italy had close friendship with Great Britain, although Italy was not a strong military nation, it was an influential part of the Alliance. And at the same time, Great Britain and Germany had conflict in North Africa on colonial aspiration. Therefore, it was the perfect time to be an ally with her to isolate France. (Stewart, Fitzgerald, Pickard 14) Making Great Britain as a close friend was a benefit for Germany. Bismarck’s next target to isolate France was Russia. In 1881, the Dreikaiserbund was made a treaty, which wa s the agreement between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Russia promising not to help the fourth power, France. However in 1884, this treaty had renewed and Russia refused to renew her membership in Dreikaiserbund. Then Bismarck discussed the Reinsurance Treaty withShow MoreRelatedWorld War I Essay862 Words   |  4 Pagesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;World War I was the result of leaders aggression towards other countries which was supported by the rising nationalism of the European nations. Economic and imperial competition and fear of war prompted military alliances and an arms race, which further escalated the tension contributing to the outbreak of war. One cause of the World War was militarism, which is a policy in which military preparedness is of primary significance to a situation. Another cause of the World War was nationalismRead MoreHow Nationalism Led to World War I817 Words   |  3 PagesBefore World War 1 began there were many conflicts between many countries, these confli cts are what eventually led to the war. Nationalism lead to World War 1 for reasons people believed they needed to fight for their country, many people who weren’t fighting wanted to support their soldiers, and many soldiers felt as if they couldn’t back out of the war. Militarism was a cause because each country was building up their weapons and ammunition, as well as building up their armies. Finally Kaiser WilhelmRead MoreTo what extent was Germany to blame for the start of World War 11473 Words   |  6 Pageswas Germany to blame for the start of World War 1? During the beginning of the 19th Century Europe was crossing a period characterized by great technological advancements and scientific optimism, but it was also subject to hostile relations between many of its main powers. These hostilities transformed into war on the 28th of June 1914,when a 19 year old terrorist, Gavrilo Princip, assassinated the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, creating the cause of war that one month later brought Austria-HungaryRead MoreEssay on One Classic Case1520 Words   |  7 Pagesindividual pursuing combat, in fact, it was the war mongers—otherwise known as the â€Å"War Hawks†Ã¢â‚¬â€that were pushing Madison into war, masterfully disguising their real motives. It is evident that the war was not worth its exorbitant and calamitous cost, being its main intent to seize Canada as American territory and rid North America of the British had failed. Deceitfully, the â€Å"War Hawks†Ã¢â‚¬â€numerous young congressmen from the South and West extremely eager for war—had convinced Madison of an inconsequentialRead MoreThe Main Long Term Causes of World War One Essay1142 Words   |  5 PagesThe main Long term causes of World War ONE (1914-1918) There was no single cause for the outbreak of the First World War. The causes are much more complex than those of the Second World War and include short, intermediate and long term factors that all culminated to cause the July Days in 1914. These factors include militarism, nationalism, imperialism, the alliance system, and industrialization as the long term causes. The intermediate causes included the crises inRead MoreWorld War 1 World War 1 was not caused by one single event; it was caused by a combination of600 Words   |  3 PagesWorld War 1 World War 1 was not caused by one single event; it was caused by a combination of events. The main causes of World War 1 were Nationalism, Imperialism, Militarism, Mutual Defense Alliances, and the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand. The reason Nationalism was a cause of World War 1 was because Bosnia and Herzegovina no longer wanted to be a part of Austria-Hungary. The Slavic peoples instead were to become part of Serbia. This wasn’t the only form of Nationalism, some European countriesRead MoreThe Cause of WWI was Imperialism Leading to a Bad Economy Essay722 Words   |  3 PagesOne of the main causes that started World War 1 was the fact of imperialism. The main cause was imperialism and not nationalism because the government was always unequal and always favored themselves. When the government did this, it would lead to a terrible economy, and be forced to trade with other surrounding countries. All of this created a big build up in war and tension between Europe and other surrounding nations. I believe that imperialism was the main cause of World War 1 because it is whatRead MoreCauses Of Imperialism843 Words   |  4 Pageswhat started the First World War in 1914. Instead they have narrowed it dow n to some main causes. The main factor that lead to the outbreak of World War 1, was the desire by the nations of Europe to expand their empires. Along with this there were some less significant contributing factors to the outbreak, such as previous historical tension and nationalism. Supporting evidence shows that imperialism was the main and most significant factor of the outbreak of World War 1. Imperialism is definedRead MoreThe Major Problems That International Relations1639 Words   |  7 Pages Causes of War One of the major problems that International Relations has been trying to explain is the phenomenon of war and what causes it? War is a state of armed conflict between different states or different groups within a country. War can take on many forms including world, inter-state, intra-state or revolutionary. In order to figure what causes wars, a theoretical approach is useful to expand our understanding and perspective on the issue. The three theoretical approaches we will exploreRead MoreAustralia s Involvement During World War I911 Words   |  4 Pagesinvolvement in World War 1 was very important. World War 1 went from July 28th 1914 to November 11th 1918. It lasted 4 years over in Europe before it died down to a complete stop. There were long term tensions that caused the war and there were a lot of treaties and alliances involved. World War 1 started when Germany and Britain went to war on July 28th 1914. The war outbreak was greeted with great enthusiasm in Australia and other countries all over the world. There were many causes of the war. There

Friday, May 15, 2020

The Current State Of The Government - 856 Words

In the current state of the government, there is a constant question about states having more or less power compared to the federal government. There is a true power problem, one in which the Constitution tried to address when the founding fathers first created the document and established Federalism. Federalism is a system of government where power is divided geographically between national government and sub-nations or states (The Constitution, 2013). Through the centuries, the power has swung in favor of the states and the federal government at different time and was dependent upon the situations presented to the nation. The ideal government model addresses all federal requirements outline in the Constitution and still allow the states and people to continue living with civil liberties. Checks and balances are established that hold the sovereignty of the nation together. This essay will highlight the current state of the government and answer the question, who has more power curre ntly? When the Constitution was first enacted, there were only 13 states. Today, there are 50 states, increasing the power states hold compared to 1787. But simply having more states and representatives than the federal government does not mean they have more power. The Constitution was written in favor of the federal government. When the Constitution was enacted, it actually took powers from the first states. There was a Supremacy Clause or â€Å"Law of the Land† laws, that dictated stipulations toShow MoreRelatedWith The Current Type Of Government, The States Could Not1062 Words   |  5 PagesWith the current type of government, the states could not form a community in order to deal with the issues in the new nation. Under the Article of Confederation, the American colonies acted as independent sovereign states. In order to pass a bill, there had to be a complete consensus. This meant that if any state opposed Congress’s new bill then it could refuse to enforce it. Also, Congress was prohibited from taxing citizens in order to bring revenue in order to deal with its debt giving the nationRead MoreAnalysis Of Framed Sanford Levinson s The Current State Of Government And The Constitution Essay1642 Words   |  7 PagesIn the book Framed Sanford Levinson discussed the current state of government and the Constitution. He discusses many aspects of the Constitution, including all of its flaws, offering solutions to fix these, and even suggesting that we are overdue for a new one. Levinson begins his argument with discussing aspects of Government that did not work and the only way a solution can be made is with awareness that the issue even exists. When Sanford Levinson was writing this book the 2012 campaign wasRead MoreWhat It Means To Be A Citizen1010 Words   |  5 Pagesknowledge that each individual has. A person who stays informed on current political events weekly by reading newspaper articles will be able to understand our current government structure better than someone who hears about political information from other people’s opinions. Valuable questions are whether or not American politics are in crisis, how this applies to California—heavily influenced by its citizens—and what solutions our United States system of can offer Americans. As a Californian, I will beRead MoreThe Constitution Of The Texas Constitution948 Words   |  4 Pagesin the case of the Texas Constitution having the second longest state Constitution and th e fourth most amended Constitution in the United States, makes it a difficult and complicated document. The Texas Constitution has been rewritten a total of six times since becoming independent from Mexico. The most recent being the Constitution of 1876, which is excessively detailed and exact due to the framers fear of a strong state government. The framers of the constitution placed strategically in the bodyRead MoreSecession Of The Texas Economy966 Words   |  4 Pagesmany disagreements between the state and federal government going on the thought crosses some Texans minds about secession. The movement, headed by the Texas Nationalist Movement and the Tea Party, is seeking to remove the state from the union and institute Texas as a new country. Many questions arise over the topic of secession covering topics such as economy, currency, population, and if Texas would be helped or hurt by leaving the United States federal government behind. It has been shown thatRead MoreThe Epide mic Of Botswana, South Africa Essay1282 Words   |  6 Pagesin the world, especially African Countries in the South are facing an epidemic that has gone completely ignored by their very own government. Instead of proposing policies directed towards reducing the amount of HIV/AIDS cases that continue to rise each year, they have chosen to implement failed policies or none at all. Countries that have attempted to enact government policy to try to decrease the spread of the epidemic has ultimately failed in a broad sense. The epidemic is known as the AcquiredRead MoreGovernments of the World Essay1271 Words   |  6 PagesMany different forms of government have existed throughout civilization. Theocracy, dictatorships, democracy, and many others have all had periods of time where they reigned as the government of choice. Arguments could be made in favor of each form of government. The key to finding the most viable form of government is to consider this: which form of government pro vides the most stability for the state? The stability of the state is based upon the foundation of the government. Shaky foundations leadRead MoreFlorida Legislative Framework Essay927 Words   |  4 PagesThe governments of all the 50 states that make up the United States of America are structured according to the constitutions of individual states. In turn, the constitution of each state has to be grounded on the guiding political philosophy of the United States i.e. republican principles. Clause 1 in section 4 of Article IV states that the federal government has the responsibility of ensuring that each state governments share the same Republican philosophy. Consequently, all state governments adoptedRead MoreForeign Intervention And The Syrian Civil War Essay1501 Words   |  7 Pagesbe used to reinforce the sovereignty of a state. Through realist and liberal judgments of sovereignty, both Russian and American intervention in the Syrian civil war can be questioned whether the force used, is justifiable by the contemp orary situation in Syria. The Assad regime which has been in power since 1971 has seen recent civilian pro-democracy protests over lack of political freedom become violent which have been met with violence by government forces. (Adams, 2015) As explained by HobbessianRead MoreContributions Of The Pension System1278 Words   |  6 Pages A defined contribution (DC) scheme on the other hand is a pension plan whose value depends on an individual’s own contributions, those from his/her employer and the government; generally in the form of a tax relief. These contributions are reinvested in the stock market and upon retirement, the accumulated value of the fund is received and can be used to secure a pension income. A choice is usually made to either purchase an annuity (a product which offers a guaranteed income for life), used as

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Similarities Between Civil Liberties And Civil Rights

Aman4 1 Aashish Aman Professor Sharifian Govt 2305 29 September 2017 Civil Rights and Liberties Civil liberties are the essential rights that which gives the freedom of the people guaranteed by the constitution. 2 Right to free speech, Right to privacy, Right to marry, Right to vote, Right to Speech and many more fall under the civil liberties. Generally, civil liberties are the rights that allows people to make their own decisions without any exceptions. Even government cannot hinder the right of people which falls under the civil liberties. Similarly, the rights that protect the people from the inequality, discrimination under anything are known as Civil rights. These are the rights made by the constitution considering race, religion,†¦show more content†¦In my case, I am an International student and I come here for study; though I will be graduate in my future and become a software engineer but I can’t get job over here in a first chance as according to the bills passed by the current President, Donald Trump. As he said that first Americans were given priority in every sectors and the rest for others. Though it is a civil rights for an American citizen, it hinders my liberties for right to work. Similarly, currently President Trump banned the Muslin Country in the United States; as they are Muslin so they can’t come back to America after they go back to their home country which automatically violates the civil rights as it discriminates the people based on religion. This is how I feel being an international citizen here in United States of America. For an instance, we can see one of the case of civil liberties, â€Å"Ashcroft Vs American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).† Congress passed the Child Online Protection Act (COPA) to keep minors from getting to erotic entertainment on the web. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and online distributers sued in government court to counteract implementation of theShow MoreRelatedCivil Rights Vs. Civil Liberties901 Words   |  4 PagesSeptember 2017 Civil Rights vs. Civil Liberties In America, today there is a lot of controversy over human’s rights. This is not true of just today, however, this fight for people s rights has been going on for ages. There are two basic types of rights. 2 There are Civil Rights and there are Civil Liberties. Civil Liberties are a broader topic, such as the right to vote or the right to bear arms, they can be directly from the Bill of Rights or the Constitution. While Civil Rights are more specificRead MoreCivil Liberties And Civil Rights1329 Words   |  6 Pages2017 Civil Liberties v Civil Rights Civil Liberties and Civil Rights is a pillar for every American citizen. Civil Liberties are specific individual rights a person has that are legally protected from being violated by the government. 1 Civil Liberties include, but are not limited to, right to privacy, right to vote, right to bear arms, and right to marry. Civil Rights provide for the right to be treated equally without discrimination. An easy way t o remember the difference between a Civil LibertyRead MoreCompare And Contrast The Gettysburg Address And I Have A Dream Speech1065 Words   |  5 PagesAmerican history for the topic of slavery. Martin Luther King Jrs I Have a Dream speech assisted in this Civil Rights movement. But, the question is, what all did they cause in our history? The reader is going to compare and contrast information from the two texts so the reader can compare and contrast these two honored speeches. So, by the end, the reader should be able to understand the similarities and differences of the informative Gettysburg Address and the I Have a Dream speech. These two powerfulRead MoreThe United States Treatment of Japanese Americans During World War II1216 Words   |  5 Pagesorder in stride. There was resistance by the Japanese to the government policy and lawsuits were filed going all the way to the Supreme Court. In recent history, the Supreme Court has reversed a few judgments from the 1940s. Th e question of civil liberties over national security of the Japanese Americans in the 1940s is parallel to Arab Americans after September 11, 2001. There are several military and constitutional justifications the United States government had in placing the Japanese in internmentsRead MoreThe Role Of Civil Disobedience And The Civil Rights Movement1503 Words   |  7 Pagesinjustices. Ranging from peaceful marches to powerful acts of civil disobedience, not only in the United States but in Central American countries such as Nicaragua. This being said, civil protests and peaceful demonstrations were not necessarily more successful in exuding change than pieces of legislation but moreso acted as a catalyst for social change, leading towards legislation that would positively impact those who protested. The concept of civil disobedience and peaceful demonstration acting as a catalystRead MoreThe Enlightenment Theory Of John Locke1627 Words   |  7 Pagesof men, natural rights, and that people should have a say on how the government treated people. Jefferson created a draft document created a bold experiment, America. The enlighten ment philosophy of John Locke theorized that that men were inherently equal, and Jefferson sought to prove this point. In the seventeenth century, Locke proposed a number of theories that would prove a force for change in how government treats their citizens. Locke’s theories of equality and natural rights of men propelledRead MoreThe Fight For Gay Rights Movement1155 Words   |  5 PagesToday, the fight for homosexual right is at the forefront of society, which yields a greater thrust towards full equality to heterosexuals with every passing day. This campaign for equality is known as the Modern Gay Rights Movement. The modern struggle for gay rights started as early as The Civil Rights Movement in 1954, and still continues today (Britannica). The Civil Rights Movement, from 1954-1968, sparked oppressed people to fight for their rights. In this period, shockwaves from blacks’ gainingRead Moreâ€Å"Claiming Rights† Essay762 Words   |  4 PagesIn what differ ent ways does the idea of â€Å"rights† find expression in these documents? These documents show us that the idea of â€Å"rights† can be expressed in many manners, specifically to these three documents, â€Å"The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen† of 1789, from the French people as a National Assembly. Although number four on the list of the document being read, it is my belief that this point explains what the French are wanting. â€Å"Liberty consists in the ability to do whatever doesRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie The Siege 1724 Words   |  7 Pages â€Å"Annotation† Sometimes the film world and scholarly arts have an uncanny way of prophesy. One movie having disturbing and overwhelming similarities to those of the events on Sept. 11 tragedy is â€Å"The Siege†. The plot in this movie foresees what may transpire after a key U.S. city (New York) becomes the object of a terrorist attack. Beyond unreal how startlingly comparable the two are. When the U.S. military plots to take captive an important fundamental Islamic terrorist leader and hold him captiveRead MoreThe Bill Of Rights And The Amendment Of The Constitution962 Words   |  4 Pagesincluded the Bill of rights that provided us with Freedom (Schweikart, 2004). The bill of rights was established so each citizen is equally treated and allowed to share their idea and not be disgraced for it (Bodenhamer, 1993). The first ten amendments to the constitution of the United States established basic American civil liberties (Schweikart, 2004). The Bill of rights and the amendments of the constitution were written about the same time by the same people. The Bill of Rights and amendments both

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Health and Safety for Engineering

Question: Describe about Health and Safety for Engineering? Answer: Introduction The contemporary times has witnessed the growth of factories, innumerable companies that work daily throughout the year in order to deliver products to the consumers and meet the demands on the commercial world. As a result of this, there are a number of accidents and ill health cases occurring everywhere and specially in the engineering work and a huge number is reported to the Department of Health and Safety (Brauer, 2006). Generally it is observed that most of these accidents arise as a result of the movement of the people, or the goods and vehicles in and around the workshops. Hence in order to reduce the chances of accidents in these engineering workshops it is extremely essential that the more serious and frequent risks are recognized and the appropriate precautions are taken. Taking proper account of the money and resources it is essential that the precautions be taken and such risks are reduced (Kloss, 2010). However for the purpose of increasing the health and safety standards of the engineering workshop for the manufacturing of soap an appropriate risk assessment process is required to be undertaken (Tyler, 1993). The work shop activities in a soap manufacturing process involves the movement of stocks with the help of forklift trucks, the utilization of workshop machineries such as the Continuous Flow Stirred-Tank Reactor or the reaction vessels and the handling of the chemicals used in the manufacturing process such as the various bleaching agents and other chemicals. The health and safety management process involves the training plans for ensuring health and safety and review and update of the plans in a regular basis. It further includes the different paper work required for specified risk assessment and method statements and also the inspections of the maintenance of safety features and the emergency stops according to the rules relating to safety and health measures. Risk Assessment According to The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, the assessment of risks is extremely important part in order to maintain the health and safety of the employees and non-employees in the engineering workshop. RISK ASSESSMENT: (hseni, n.d.) Possible Hazards Who might be harmed Whether Existing measures are adequate Quantity of Risk What needs to be done Next Review Date Manual Handling Employees, Engineers NO Moderate L (3) I (3) The manual handling of heavy bulks of soaps needs to be replaced with the transportation carriages for moving the bulks of soap from one place to another. June, 2015 Transport and movement of vehicles Employees, Non- Employees, Engineers, Employers NO Moderate L (3) I (4) The transportation of the huge bulks of soaps need to be moved with the help of better transportation facilities June, 2015 Cleaning and Degreasing Solvents Employees, Engineers YES Low L (2) I (3) The required measures have been taken. June, 2015 Machineries used Employees, Engineers NO High L (4) I (4) Proper head gears, hand Gloves needs to be used by the employees in order to reduce the risks arising out of the use of machineries such as the Continuous Flow Stirred-Tank Reactor or the reaction vessels June, 2015 Use of Chemicals Employees, Engineers NO High L (4) I (5) For the handling of harmful chemicals used in the manufacturing of soaps it is necessary that the engineers use face masks and hand gloves to protect themselves. Also when not in use the chemicals need to be stored in safe places in order to prevent any reactions. June, 2015 Noise Employees, Engineers YES Low L (2) I (3) The required measures have been taken. June, 2015 Risk Assessment Matrix: Figures: Health and Safety Risk Management Each of the member states of Europe has their own national Occupational Health Legislation. However, these legislations are based on the European Occupational Health Safety Directives given by the European Union (Tyler, 1993). The primary objective of these directives is to make the employers more responsible in order to create safe working environment and ensure health and safety of the employees (Kloss, 2010). Hence for the achievement of such an working environment the employers needs to be aware of the probable risks that is connected to the work and how these risks can be managed with appropriate measures. Possible risk management measures are required to be prescribed under operational conditions of using hazardous substances that are not safe and suitable to the employees. These measures include the use of personal protection equipments or Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV). These personal protection equipments include hand gloves, dust caps or safety goggles. Formulators of mixtures such as the detergents or paints or similar mixtures used in soaps do not fall under the obligations (Souza, 2003). However, they do have the obligations under the Exposure Scenarios of the individual substances inside the mixture in order to safely use the mixture. This evaluation results needs to be communicated downwards the supply chain in order to allow the end user know about the safety measures relating to the product. The risk management relating to formulators of mixtures would be that they have the duty to analyse carefully the information with regard to the suppliers of raw materials. Primarily the formulator is required to determine that the substances that are present in the mixtures are hazardous or not (Leckie, 2004). They need to calculate the risk associated with the use of these substances and how dangerous they can be for the employee while working with the mixture. Due to these reasons the formulators need to ensure that the substances can be used according to the given standards and is also suitable for the product. In order to verify this, the SDS of the substance is required to be checked and later if that is not sufficient the formulator tries to determine that himself. Further with regard to the cleaners also the proper risk management should be maintained since in most cases the cleaner can be exposed to some risks while carrying out his duties (Spellman and Whiting, 2005). While cleaning of the workshop the primary risks relating to cleaners are the connection with hazardous substances resulting in irritation or corrosion to the skin or eyes. The risks relating to working with hazardous substances is calculated with the help of the limit value of the risk. This limit value can be defined as the level to which any particular worker can be exposed to day by day throughout the working lifetime without having any health effects. The value of the limits is usually derived by the suppliers of substances. The risk assessment needs to be made as to the quantity of exposure the cleaner has to the cleaning product while he is working. A comparison is to be made with regard to the limit value of the exposure and safe use of products. Control Measures and Strategies Management of health and safety measures in a soap manufacturing workshop requires appropriate control measures and strategies. Since in a soap manufacturing company the use of alkaline solutions is common rubber gloves are required to be worn by the employees when handling alkali crystals or solutions as the alkaline solutions are caustic in nature (aise, n.d.). Safety glasses should be worn by the employees while making mixtures of alkali for eye protection. Care should be taken so that no toxic fumes are inhaled while cooking of the soap products. The presence of clean and cold water or milk should be present for rinsing the eyes and skin. Lifting of the kettles should be done carefully with the help of co-workers. References aise, (n.d.).Generic Exposure Information Sheet (GEIS) for Detergents. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Feb. 2015]. Brauer, R. (2006).Safety and health for engineers. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley. Holnicki-Szulc, J. (2008).Smart technologies for safety engineering. Chichester, England: J. Wiley. hseni, (n.d.).Health and Safety in Engineering. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Feb. 2015]. Kloss, D. (2010).Occupational health law. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. Leckie, D. (2004). Health and safety challenges ahead.Engineering Management, 14(2), pp.40-43. Souza, J. (2003). Designing for health and safety.Engineering Sustainability, 156(2), pp.125-126. Spellman, F. and Whiting, N. (2005).Safety engineering. Lanham, Md.: Government Institutes. Tyler, M. (1993). New European and UK health and safety requirements.Property Management, 11(1), pp.53-66.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Hotline Essays - File Sharing Networks, Online Chat,

Hotline The Hotline Connect software suite enables Server communities on personal computers worldwide that combined, comprise the Hotline Network. Hotline Communications cannot, and does not, monitor, track or control the activity or content on Hotline Servers outside the Hotline Network, and as such, does not guarantee the accuracy, integrity or quality of such activity or content. Hotline Communications does, however, extend the following Usage Policy to all users, including those users on Servers outside the Hotline Network, as a guide to personal conduct while on Hotline. We advise all Hotline users NOT to use Hotline software to do the following: a. upload, post or otherwise transmit Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortuous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable; b. harm minors in any way (Server administrators who wish to share private material with Server visitors are asked to use the Server's security features to limit Server access to minors); c. impersonate any person or entity, including, but not limited to, a Hotline Communications representative, employee, guide or host, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent any affiliation with a person or entity; d. upload, post or otherwise transmit any content without the express right to transmit under any law or under contractual or fiduciary relationships, such as inside information, proprietary and confidential information that is learned or disclosed as part of employment relationships or under nondisclosure agreements; e. upload, post or otherwise transmit any content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret copyright or other proprietary rights of any party; f. upload, post or otherwise transmit any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or any other form of solicitation, except in those areas (such as shopping areas) that have been designated for such purposes; g. upload, post or otherwise transmit any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment; h. disrupt the normal flow of dialogue, or otherwise act in a manner that negatively affects other users' ability to engage in real time exchanges; i. interfere with or disrupt the Hotline Service or Server Network connected to the Service, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of networks connected to the Service; j. intentionally or unintentionally violate any applicable local, state, national or international law, including, but not limited to, any rules of any national or other securities exchange, and any regulations having the force of law; k. stalk or otherwise harass other users; l. collect or store personal data about other users. Hotline Communications has also implemented a number of measures to help protect the rights, property, and personal safety of Hotline Communications, its users and the public on the Hotline Network, including: Terms of Service: All administrators of Servers listed on the Hotline Network are required to agree to our Terms of Service before listing on our Network. Client License Agreement: All users of the Hotline Client are required to agree to the terms outlined in their Client License Agreement before downloading the Client software. Server License Agreement: All users of the Hotline Server are required to agree to the terms outlined in their Server License Agreement before downloading the Server software. Room 222: Updated information and online discussions on political and legal developments concerning the Internet are held regularly in Room 222 (IP, a Server on Please report any violations of the Hotline Usage Policy and/or Terms of Service to [emailprotected] If possible, please include the IP address of the offending Server and the approximate time, date and details of the violation. Bibliography

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Important Health-Related English Vocabulary

Important Health-Related English Vocabulary Learning to express yourself in English when talking about your health can be difficult. While you dont need to understand the more technical, scientific, or medical language doctors and other healthcare providers use, it is helpful to know basic health-related vocabulary. This page provides some of the most common English  vocabulary used to talk about health and healthcare. Youll find important categories with an example sentence to help show context for each word provided in this vocabulary overview.   Illnesses Ache - The ache is getting worse. What should I do?Earache - Ive got a horrible ear ache today.Headache - I woke up with a pounding headache this morning.Stomach ache - Dont eat too much chocolate or youll get a stomach ache.Toothache - Go to the dentist for your toothache.Cancer - Cancer seems to be the plague of modern life.Cold - People sometimes work if theyve only got a cold.Cough - He has a strong cough. He should take some cough syrup.Flu - Its common to feel aches and pains, as well as have a slight fever when youve got the flu.Heart attack - A heart attack doesnt need to be fatal in modern times.Heart disease - Heart disease affects a lot of families.  Infection - Make sure to clean the wound so you dont get an infectionInfectious disease - She caught an infectious disease at school.Pain - Where do you feel the pain?Virus - There is a virus going around at work. Take lots of vitamins. Minor Injuries Bruise - I have this bruise from hitting myself with a door!Cut - Put a bandage on your cut.Graze - Thats just a graze. Its nothing serious.Wound - That wound needs to be treated by a doctor. Go to the emergency room. Medical Treatment Bandage - Use this bandage to stop the bleeding.Check-up - I have a check-up next month.  Dose (of medicine) - Make sure to take your dose of medicine at ten oclock.Drugs - The doctor can prescribe drugs if necessary.  Injection - Some medicine is given by injection.Medicine - Regularly take the medicine and you should have no problems.Operation - Ron has a serious operation on Friday.  Pain-killer - Opiates are a type of pain-killer that can be very addictive.  Pill - Take one pill before you go to bed.Tablet - Take one tablet with each meal.Tranquilizer - This tranquilizer will calm your nerves so you can rest. People in Healthcare Dentist - The dentist gave me a check-up and cleaned my teeth.Doctor - The doctor can see you now.General Practitioner - Most families have a general practitioner to help them with most needs.  Midwife - Many women choose to have a midwife help with the birth of their baby.  Nurse - The nurse will come in to check on you every hour.Patient - The patient has a broken rib and nose.Specialist - The specialist was excellent but extremely expensive.  Surgeon - Surgeons need to have nerves of steel as they cut into the flesh during an operation. Places in Healthcare Hospital - Ill meet you at the hospital and we can stop in to see Peter whos recovering from surgery.Operating Room - The surgeon entered the operating​ room and began the operationWaiting Room - You can sit in the waiting room until hes finished.Ward - Mr. Smith is in the ward at the end of the hall. Health-Related Verbs Catch - Most people catch a cold from time to time.Cure - It took the doctor six months to cure the illness.Heal - A wound can take a long time to heal.Hurt - The boy hurt his ankle playing basketball.Injure - I injured myself climbing a tree!Operate on - The surgeon will operate on the patient at three oclock.Prescribe - The doctor prescribed an antibiotic to help the wound heal.Treat - Well treat anyone who has a health issue. Health-Related Adjectives Fit - Hes a fit young man. He shouldnt be worried.Ill - Unfortunately, she looks ill today.Sick - Do you feel sick?Healthy - Eat healthy food and get regular exercise.  Unhealthy - Eating fatty foods and lots of sweets is very unhealthy.Painful - The painful arm was held in a cast.Unwell - Many students are feeling unwell.Well - I hope you get well soon.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Strategic management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 11000 words - 1

Strategic management - Essay Example Corporate culture describes and governs the thinking, feeling and actions of owners of companies and employees. It does not matter whether corporate culture is written as a mission statement or merely understood by organisational publics. Corporate culture may be founded on the beliefs spelled out in the mission statement or be consisted in the part of a corporate symbol. For example, Apple’s corporate culture is reflected in its rainbow-coloured apple. Contemporary managers are always keen on the corporate culture of their organisations. According to Johnson, Whittington, Scholes, Angwin and RegneÃŒ r (2014), corporate culture has a critical role to play as far as determination of organisational performance is concerned. Fundamentally, how well a business performs is contingent upon the ways through which people behave in organisations. Behaviours, as contended by Mintzberg, Ahlstrand and Lampel (2009), comprise of the actions that lead to production of results. Corporate culture is a subset of these actions; this is why corporate culture is directly proportional to the performance of a business. Capon (2008) believed that all organisations have a developed set of assumptions, understandings, and implicit rules that govern the daily behaviours in the workplace. All businesses have their own cultures that determine the relationships between them and external stakeholders. Corporate culture is not constant and fixed within an organisation. Volberda (2011) posit that all aspects of organisations should feature flexibility in order to enhance adaptability across time, place, and circumstances. If a company is not happy with the current corporate culture, the management can begin looking for ways of changing it into what they want. The management can find alternative symbol, believes, attitudes and even values that can change the direction of behaviour. The management, in this case, should ensure

Thursday, February 6, 2020

United States Court System Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

United States Court System - Research Paper Example In spite of the belief that the adversarial system is a contest between two rivals, in reality a complex system of collaboration between judges, prosecutors, and defense lawyers is usually present. In the U.S. court system, members of the courtroom work team create guidelines about how specific kinds of cases must be dealt with and what type of petitions is legitimate for particular kinds of offenses (May et al., 2007, 159). At present, the United States implements a dual system of state and federal courts that often work autonomously, even though state cases are often petitioned to the federal courts. The dual court system developed from the belief of the founding fathers that every state has to have substantial judicial sovereignty and legislative power (Cole, Smith, & DeJong, 2012, 105). The federal court system emerged after the nation gained its independence from England. The existing federal court system emerged as a concession between the founding fathers who preferred a powerful federal government and those who supported the rights of the states with a restricted federal government. At present, there are several independent court systems in the United States. Even though some American Indian communities and the military have their own court systems, the general U.S. court systems are the state court systems and the federal court systems (May et al., 2007, 161-162). Figure 1. Structure of the federal court system (May et al., 2007, 162) Even though state court systems emerged with almost no interaction with other states’ court systems, the state court systems that ult imately progressed noticeably resemble one another in structure and organization. Almost all court systems at present are structured in a hierarchical way (Cole et al., 2012, 363). The first major characteristic to remember when looking at state court systems is the difference between courts with appellate jurisdiction and courts with original jurisdiction. Because cases come from them, trial courts are usually called ‘courts of limited jurisdiction’. These courts handle cases of misconduct or less serious offenses, cases of small claims, family disputes, and traffic disobedience. These courts seldom conduct jury trials and rely greatly on the judge for the final resolution (Neubauer & Fradella, 2010, 95). Courts of general jurisdiction handle both felonies and misconduct cases and function as a round-table for major civil actions. Courts of general jurisdiction, in numerous states, facilitate the first appellate level and give the accused who came from a court of limit ed jurisdictions the opportunity to open up another trial. These courts employ prosecutors, defense attorneys, witnesses, juries, and all the other players usually connected to American courtrooms (Walston-Dunham, 2008, 147). These courts are more formal than courts of limited jurisdiction. They operate under the adversarial framework. The intermediate appellate court level—court of appeals-- is the subsequent level in state court systems. The main task of these courts is to evaluate petitions that came from resolutions given in the courts of general jurisdiction. The topmost court level in every state system is the court of last resort—the Supreme Court (Cole et al., 2012, 364-365). A petition can progress no further after the Supreme Court gives

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Plastic Recycling Essay Example for Free

Plastic Recycling Essay Due to increased the high residence time in the environment, old and used plastics require recycling to not only ensure clean and healthy environment, but also maximize the resource utility. Sorting/ separation is one of the most important stage in the recycling process as it differentiates the plastics from other materials and categorize it into various forms. Depending on the origin of the plastic materials, the sorting process is made easier especially if there was initial separation at the source where plastics are put in different containers from the others types of wastes. Physical sorting method According to Plunket (2005), this separation method involves use of the visible and physical characteristics of the plastics to remove them from other waste materials or separate different types of plastics. This method is labor intensive as it requires manual inspection through product recognition, color and shape of the materials for the plastic being sorted. Many of the American companies make their products in specific plastic shapes and color therefore making it easy to sort and recycle their plastics from the waste stream. Floating mechanism is increasingly being employed by different recycling plants to separate high and low density plastics depending on weight characteristics (Harper, (2006). Besides, the separating centrifuge is also employed to separate the plastics on the basis of their weight on the high speed rotating drums. According to Nigel (2004), physical sorting process is cost effective in that there is minimal capital investment as the method uses staff and low cost investment machines to sort out the plastics. Unlike in the automated method, there is no need of highly skilled manpower and technology in the process thereby reducing the cost of operation with a great margin. The method is highly suitable for small scale recycling process where the quantity of the plastic to be separated is generally low. However, this method can lead to inaccurate identification and separation due to human error. Types and the speed of separation in the process are highly limited since human beings employ only one visual mode in the identification process. Besides, complications arise when different companies use similar shapes for packaging their products thereby creating confusion and making the companys objective to recycle its plastics be highly compromised. To add to that, the process is highly manual requiring a lot of staff for effective completion which greatly reduces the ability and therefore ineficiency to sort the plastics (Tietenberg Henk, 2006). Plunket (2005) argues that, physical method of sorting plastics is highly uneconomical especially for separating large scale quantities of plastics due to the requirements of large staff numbers at any moment. The quantity of plastics that can be sorted at any moment using the physical method is very limited compared to the automated method. Due to the above inefficiencies, the amount of plastics sorted and recycled is low and therefore not cost effective for recycling companies or the municipal authorities who have large quantities of plastics to be separated. Besides, the method do not guarantee the efficiency required for different plastics to effectively be sorted out. This inefficiency may compromise the products made from the recycled materials at the end of the process (Harper, 2006). Automated sorting method This method employs various auto-separation systems which use sensors in establishing the chemical as well as the physical properties of the plastics to be separated (Tietenberg Henk, 2006). Use of x-rays method of automated separation involves employing the radiation which detects the chlorine elements that are found in the Polyvinyl Chlorides (PVC). This method is highly effective for the plastics that contain PVC but limited in application since it cannot be applied on other plastics. Then, the modern infrared method analysis is being applied on a large scale basis to detect as well as separate plastics of multiple characteristics in their composition. Infrared rays are quantified and categorized on the basis of the characteristics of the specific plastic element type that is needed from the waste stream (Myer, 2007). To add to that, optical scanning is also being used by different industries all over the world where the plastics are separated on the basis of their pigment coloration. It ensures uniformity in the separation process and increases efficiency in the specific separation processes. Automated separation methods have also been effectively applied to separate general plastics from the waste mainstream depending on their main or individual characteristics like High Density Polythrene, Pollythylene Telephthalate and Polypropane. The main advantage of this method is that it is highly effective and the quantities of the plastics that can be sorted at any one moment is very high. Myer (2007) notes that, different types of plastics are also easily recycled as the machine error is highly reduced compared to the high human error in the mechanical system. Also, the method is less labor intensive as it employs the modern technology in enhancing efficiency of the work done. However, the method requires high capital investment to install and operationalize the whole system. Protective equipments for the radiations add to the external costs for the people who work and operate the machines. Infrared and x-ray generating machines require specialized experts to operate thus increasing the overhead cost to a very large extent. Besides, there are high hazard risk levels for the people operating with these machines due to exposure on the dangerous radiations of x-rays and high infrared levels (Nigel, 2004). Though the initial cost of machines installation is relatively high, this method is highly cost-effective in the 21st century due to the increasing need for faster plastic sorting and recycling. It is a great tool for conserving the environment and maximizing the resources utility. The quantity of the plastics that can be sorted out at any moment being very high, then the method ensures that the remaining process and eventual processing into finished products receives enough and correct materials. Conclusion. Sorting as indicated earlier, is one of the most important steps in the recycling process as it makes the remaining processes easier and more effective in their application. It captures the plastic materials either from an integrated mixture in the waste stream or from assorted plastic mixtures therefore making it possible to use the material for further other products development. Automated method is thus more cost effective in sorting the plastics due to its high efficiency in dealing with bulk wastes at any particular moment. As the world consumption patters continue changing year after year, the levels of the plastic wastes are bound to increase in the environment and the most cost effective method of sorting this waste should be adopted (Plunket, 2005). Automated method should be adopted by all the municipal authorities, recycling commercial industries and individual industries which recycle their own wastes as it ensures long term cost effectiveness.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Essay on Discrimination Against Women as Addressed in Cantors Dilemma

Discrimination Against Women as Addressed in Cantor's Dilemma  Ã‚   In his novel, Cantor's Dilemma, Dr. Djerassi uses female characters to address sexist issues arising from women integrating into the predominantly male science world. The characters, Celestine Price and Professor Arderly, are used to show examples of how women have little voice in the field of science. The female characters suggest how women are often looked upon as sex objects rather than co-workers and they are given little opportunity to balance a scientific career with raising a family. By weaving these issues into his novel, Dr. Djerassi illustrates the following theme: Discrimination against women in the field of science is harmful to the progression of scientific exploration. If women are excluded from science, then an artificial limit is put on human resources. (The field of science will not utilize the potential female minds available.) The first issue that Dr. Djerassi casually mentions is that women are not adequately represented in the field of science. The character, Celestine Price strongly desires a career in chemistry. She faces the challenge of how to plot her map of success while taking into consideration the male dominated world of science. Her old high school chemistry teacher advises Celestine that if she ever wants to get an academic position at a top university, she has got to get plugged into "the old boy's network." He says to her, "Make no mistake about it. Chemistry is still a man's world."1 Dr. Djerassi paints the picture of a boy's clubhouse with a sign at the door reading, "No girls allowed!" In this context, it is inferred that a woman has to prove her worth before the society of men will give her the privilege of working wit... ...roblems of integration. If the science world takes advantage of undiscovered female talent, science as a whole will benefit greatly. For example, the original group of ENIAC programmers consisted of 6 women. In 1946, these women helped to develop the first operating stored-program computer.6 If female talent such as this goes to waste because of social neglect, the science world will never know what possible discoveries that could have been made with the help of women. If Dr. Djerassi is accurate with his examples of discrimination, the science world should take note of these problems and attempt to solve them. 1. Carl Djerassi, Cantor's Dilemma (New York, New York.: Penguin Books, 1989), 19. 2. Ibid. 45. 3. Ibid. 45. 4. Ibid. 45. 5. Ibid. 20-21. 6. web site: women in science/ women in computer science/ women involved in ENIAC program.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Spartan Society – Year 12 Ancient History Assignment

Part 1 (a)He was believed to be the creator of the Spartan society and how it functioned. Most of the Spartans thought him as a God-like figure and worshipped him. There is no certain source or a piece of evidence about Lycurgus and archeological records contradicted his existence often. Even Spartans had no idea of what Lycurgus looked like but there were his portraits and statues as what people imagined how a wise lawgiver would look like. (b)The  Hyakinthia festival This was a festival named after Hyakinthos, a youth who was lover of the god Apollo and died when Apollo accidentally hit him with a discus.The flower of the red hyacinth was believed to have sprung from his blood. In his grief, Apollo ordained an annual festival. This festival was held at the ancient shrine of  Amyclae  (about five kilometres from Sparta). This site was the location of a huge statue of Apollo, the tomb of Hyakinthos and an open area for festival dances. The festival took place over three days in the (summer) month of July. Athenaeus, writing in the 2nd  century A. D. , has given an account of this festival, which basically revolves around mourning for Hyakinthos, and praise of Apollo: The festival had two stages: 1.The first stage involved rites of sorrow and mourning in honour of Hyakinthos. There was a ban on the wearing of wreaths and on joyful songs. Offerings were placed at the dead youth’s tomb. The eating of bread and cakes was forbidden; there was a special funeral meal, then a day of ritual grief. 2. The second stage involved rejoicing in honour of Apollo, the wearing of wreaths, the singing of joyful songs, sacrifice to Apollo, a festive meal, a procession to Amyclae, choral song and dance. The historian Hooker has interpreted the festival as a festival for the dead on one hand, combined with a thanksgiving for life on the other.The  Gymnopaediae festival This was ‘The Festival of the Unarmed Boys'. The festival was held in the Spartan  agora  (market place). It commemorated the battle of Thyrea fought against Argos c. 550 B. C. The festival featured: choral performances; the setting up of images of Apollo and Artemis â€Å"boxing† amongst boys and men. Although much has been written about the violent aspect of the festival, it has been interpreted as a ‘rite of passage'; on the way to manhood, an initiation that indicated membership or belonging to the community.The Gymnipaediae were celebrated in July, the hottest part of the year. The festival consisted of a series of athletic competitions and musical events among boys and men. Dancing and running in tough conditions proved the strength of the Spartan citizens to the onlookers. In its early context it was part of the whole warrior code to initiate the young soldier to a life of physical excellence. It was not confined to Sparta. This festival was a thank-offering to Apollo for military success. c)Religion in Sparta, like in many civilizations, had a comm itment to support the ideals of a militaristic society. The Spartan ideal of an elite military state influenced the approach to religion and the ways in which religion would be molded to suite state doctrine, therefore highlighting the importance of religion in upholding the values of Spartan society such as endurance, loyalty, obedience, conformity, and skill. Religion was also use to create social coherence, important in promoting conformity and in controlling the society under the ideals of the military state.At an individual level religion provided a way of ensuring fertility both human and natural as well as averting disaster and ensuring victory in war. Religion was important for the State and this could also be seen in the wartime practices of the Spartan Army. According to Powell, Spartans believed in military divination, following an army to war was a herd of sacrificial animals ready to appease the Gods. Consultative sacrifices were held before embarking on a military camp aign, before a battle and when stepping into the threshold of the enemy.As written by Herodotus, Cleomenes in 494 on an invasion campaign to Argo was sent troops home because he had seen bad omens at the river Erasinus. Spartans also consulted Oracles at Delphi for predictions, famously at the battle of Thermopylae Leonidas was told to give up or fight to the death against Persian troops. The Spartan reliance on divination is reflective of how religion was used for military organisation and was important in supporting the state with battle strategy and on issues of joining battles. The reliance on religion creates a sense of reassurance for warriors if they had een given a good battle prediction and also a justification for retreat with a bad omen, as seen through Cleomenes. The mythology was interwoven with every aspect of Greek life. Each city devoted itself to a particular god or group of gods, for whom the citizens often built temples of worship. They regularly honoured the gods in festivals, which high officials supervised. At festivals and other official gatherings, poets recited or sang great legends and stories. Many Greeks learned about the gods through the words of poets.Spartan mythology was different than any other city-state in the Ancient Greece. Their gods were the same as others but Spartan gods were geared with armors and weapons. This is an example of how militarised Sparta was. Even their lawgiver Lycurgus is believed to be a myth by historians. Many Spartans worshipped as a god and in order to create a perfect city-state, he could be constantly recreated to explain why things were as they were. Although the Greeks had no official church organization, they universally honoured certain holy places.Delphi, for example, was a holy site dedicated to Apollo. A temple built at Delphi contained an  oracle,  or prophet, whom brave travellers questioned about the future. A group of priests represented each of the holy sites. These priests, who al so might be community officials, interpreted the words of the gods but did not possess any special knowledge or power. In addition to prayers, the Greeks often offered sacrifices to the gods, usually of a domestic animal such as a goat. (d) The religious connection to the military can be first seen in the Greek Gods the Spartiates emphasised and worshipped.The principal Spartan Gods were Apollo, Artemis, Athena, Discouri and Zeus. Apollo, Artemis and Athena more explicitly demonstrate the militaristic nature of Sparta with the three Gods associated with victory, wisdom, and skill in battle. Even Gods that were not usually known for battle were given militaristic traits, like the statue of the Armed Aphrodite in Thornax. The worship of Apollo and Artemis and their high status reflects the military value of Spartan society in training the youth for future defence.Such devotion to Apollo and Artemis can be seen in the Sanctuary of Apollo at Amyclae where coins in the likeness of Apollo were found and at the Temple of Artemis Orthia where thousands of votive offerings were found. Rites of passage within Spartan society were also carried out at the Artemis Orthia and can be likened to a vigorous military test of endurance with religious overtones. Young boys endured harsh whippings whilst trying grabbing stringed cheeses off the shrine. Those who could withstand the punishment were given honour and moved onto another stage in their military training.Religion in this case was used to sort out those with better warrior potential. Another function of religion in Spartan society was to train the hoplites. Hoplites were taught religiously devotional dances and songs, but the worship taught in the barracks also had military purpose. The song and dance helped with coordinating war movement, as the musical devotions not only praised the Gods but taught ideas of rhythm that was used in coordinating Phalanx in battle and the ability to move in a manner that was in harmony wi th the other warriors.Other examples of religion being a form of endurance training and test can be seen in the Spartan festivals. In the Carneia, the participants had to live in barracks as though on campaign and were made to run and chase a figure to train, test and celebrate athletic ability. The festival was associated with military success and the state used this festival as a way of glorifying past victories, therefore promoting the successes of the military state.According to Hooker ‘The Principle aim of the Gymnipaediae [another festival] was the habituation of the Spartan manhood to arduous activity’. The festival consisted of athletic competitions, musical events and dancing as displays of strength and endurance. This gave the state the opportunity to train hoplites, and separate the strong from the weak The role of religion was to support the military organisation and was vital to a state, which valued an elite defence force and celebrated skill in battle.As shown above religion was used a form of preparation, training assurance and guide in military situations. It was believed in Sparta that â€Å"a king by virtue of his divine descent should perform all the public sacrifices on the city’s behalf† [Xenophon]. The Kings acted as a priest towards the Gods. Aristotle, â€Å"Dealings with the Gods are assigned to the kings† Ritual responsibility was associated with political power giving kings special authority in religious interpretation or jurisdiction.The kings through public sacrifices first received the divine messages of Gods and Kings could also consult the oracles as they wished. As divination was passed through the kings to the rest of society, the Kings had the power to make the people to bow to the ‘Gods’ will. Religious authority equates to political power an example of such power was when King Cleomenes refused to go into battle but got off trial by saying that the omens were bad so he could n ot fight. If a Spartan King had reasonable religious excuse he could be forgiven for losing battles and refusing battles.Such religious connection was important in gaining, loyalty and obedience in the political arena, the divine status of the Kings was sign of military elitism. Spartan society according to Xenophon depended on the king and was loyal to the King, even believing that if an untitled person occupied the royal seat military disaster and famine would ensue. Spartan society valued conformity, coherence and believed in strong social controls, which religion then reinforced.Sparta’s social organisation was formed to encourage a sense of community and kinship, which in turn intruded on private religious practice. The Spartiate was required to share sacrificial meat with his mess-companions. Religion was interpreted to support the system of shared messes. Other ideals or Social cohesion can be seen in the Spartan religious festivals. In this festival people would commu nally mourn the dead and have a thanksgiving to life, it was to religiously as a community reaffirm the need for a close society.The festival of Carneia also emphasised a communal time of celebration, which honoured heroism and past successes in battles. During this time the Spartans were not allowed to travel to wars or battles, the Carneia being the reason they were late to fight in the Marathon 490BC and the lesser numbers at Thermopylae. Spartans had special departments, which were in charge of dealing with the oracles from Delphi and keeping records of signs from God. The power to consult the Gods however was exclusively among the authoritative forces of the state just as power itself was.Even Ephors had divination powers and all political classes of Sparta had religious duties to perform. It is evident that religion in Sparta functioned as political organisation; religion was used to demonstrate prestige, power and authority which were vital to society that honoured divinity a nd, religion also assisted in creating a way for the governing forces to manipulate the wider society with claims of celestially ordained political decisions. The political connection to religion was a way of promoting the Spartan ideal of an elite warrior society.Part 2 (a) 1- Leonidas (Famous for the Battle of Thermopylae and the Persian Wars. ) 2- Menelaus (Famous for the Trojan Wars and the husband of the Helen of Sparta, later became known as the Helen of Troy. ) (b) According to Plutarch, the council originated when Lycurgus attempted to reduce royal power. More than likely, Gerousia originated as a result of a conflict between the kings and nobles during the first Messenian War. There were 28 members and the two kings in the Gerousia.Membership was restricted to Spartans over 60 years of age that were no longer liable for military service. Thus it was a body of elders who held their office for life. The Assembly elected members by acclamation and although any Spartiate was el igible in practice members probably belonged to highly respected noble families. Aristotle mentions â€Å" the best families†, Plutarch says that they have to be† the best and most deserving. † and the selection was by acclamation (shouting and clapping).The Gerousia was a Probletic body and this meant that they prepared and deliberated on bills to be presented to the Assembly for voting and if the vote was not approved by the Gerousia, it could simply ignore it by adjourning the bill would not be passed. The Gerousia, Kings and Ephors acted as a court of justice and they tried cases of murder and treason and imposed penalties ranging from death to banishment and fines even the prosecution of a king would come before the Gerousia and the 5 Ephors.All these factors ensued that men of conservative opinion had the best chance of getting into the council, staying there and replacing themselves with people of the same outlook. â€Å"It would take a brave and confident king to pursue a policy that did not command the support of the majority of the Gerousia, knowing that in the event of failure, he was likely to be prosecuted upon his return. † T. J Buckley stated in his book â€Å"Aspects of Greek History† to exemplify the power of the Gerousia. (c) The Ephorate was the fourth major institution in the Spartan constitution.Five Ephors were elected each year from the whole citizen body and by the fifth century, they were constitutionally the most powerful public officials. They were in charge of the day-today business; and were also main executive body of state, implementing the decisions of the Assembly, at which they presided. They were also in charge of private lawsuits, which they judged sitting separately. They were combined with the Gerousia in the trial of a king. They supervised the other public officials, having the power to suspend, imprison and even bring capital charges against them.One of their most important responsibilit ies was the supervision of the â€Å"agoge†, the long and tough system of state education that was essential for the high standards of the Spartan army. In the field of foreign affairs, they would receive foreign ambassadors to ascertain their business before presenting them to the Assembly. In time of war, it was their responsibility to organise the call-up of the army, deciding the precise size of the army that was needed for the coming campaign and may even have possessed the power to give orders to commanders (except for the king) in the battlefield.When king set out an expedition with the army, he was accompanied by two of the Ephors who acted as overseers. Aristotle saw the Ephors as the most powerful of the four key institutions of state but also the most corrupt. However, Ephors had disadvantages as well. For example, Ephors did not have a continuous power in the state as they were only elected for a year and could not be re-elected ever again. This caused differences of opinion over policy between successive boards of Ephors, but also between individual members of the same board.There was often disagreement, even personal animosity, between the kings and it is likely that each king would have his supporters among the Ephors. However, Ephors, for all their constitutional powers, only held office for one year and then returned to political obscurity, whereas the prestige of the king was long-standing. Some of their other functions were: * They had the right to declare war on Helots. * They could fine people in the spot for being lazy. * They were the only magistrates who could conduct a civil trial. * They had the absolute power over all the magistrates. They controlled Krypteia and state finances. (d) Spartan government contained elements of monarchy, oligarchy and democracy and this was described as a mixed constitution. Spartan government was consisted of 2 kings and this dual kingship maybe was to prevent one king becoming too powerful. The S partan Kings had ranges of powers and responsibilities. Some of them were; they were the supreme commanders of the army, were the chief priests and decided on the marriages of orphaned heiresses. Spartan kings were the supreme commanders in the battlefield.However, the policy stated that only one king was suppose to lead the army to prevent any differences of opinion about the strategies and tactics during the battle while the other remained at home. This dual kingship ensured that each could keep an eye on the other. The leading king was usually accompanied by 2 Ephors and they kept a close supervision of the king’s leadership and the Kings were blamed if the campaign had failed and severely punished. The king that leads the army had the absolute power in the battlefield and picked bodyguards were to accompany the king.Aside from the kings’ responsibilities for the military, they were also the chiefs of priests. It was believed that Spartan kings were the priests of Z eus and they were to offer solemn sacrifices to Zeus requiring a favourable omen to proceed. Those sacrifices were performed on the frontier and the fire from these sacrifices carried with them throughout the entire campaign. Kings were also expected of to be responsible for the oracles of Delphi. It was believed in Sparta that â€Å"a king by virtue of his divine descent should perform all the public sacrifices on the city’s behalf† [Xenophon].The Kings acted as a priest towards the Gods. Aristotle, â€Å"Dealings with the Gods are assigned to the kings† Ritual responsibility was associated with political power giving kings special authority in religious interpretation or jurisdiction. The kings through public sacrifices first received the divine messages of Gods and Kings could also consult the oracles as they wished. As divination was passed through the kings to the rest of society, the Kings had the power to make the people to bow to the ‘Gods’ will. Source B is an excavation of a portrait in Acropolis area of Sparta in 1925.It is believed that the statue was a portrait of Leonidas. By the look of the statue, it is a typical Spartan man with a helmet, however it does not necessarily indicate that it is Leonidas or even a king. Though in the Spartan religion, Gods were geared up with weapons and armors. This is evident of even if it was a statue of Leonidas, it illustrates what sort of people kings were to the Spartan people. Spartans assumed the kings were descended from Heracles and they are the best kinds of semi-humans, this might be the reason why the king was wearing a helmet, if it really was a statue of Leonidas.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Term Paper - Dreams - 3514 Words

OUTLINE THE SIGNIFICANCE OF DREAMS Thesis: The occurrence of dreams is associated with our memories and experiences which can help us find out more about ourselves. I. Introduction A. Definition of Dreams†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.1 B. The Cause of Dreams†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...2 II. Body A. Dream Associations 1. Dreams and Memories†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦2 2. Dreams and Ourselves†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.....3 B. Dream Theories 1. Robert’s Theory†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦3 2. Yves Delage’s Theory†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.4 C. Typical Dreams 1. Dreams of the Death of Beloved Persons†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦...6 2. Dreams of Falling in Terror and when One Flies with A Feeling of Ease†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦7 3. Dre ams of Nakedness†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.7 4. Dreams of†¦show more content†¦In particular, studies of theta rhythm in sub primate animals have provided an evolutionary clue to the meaning of dreams. They appear to be the nightly record of a basic mammalian memory process: the means by which animal form strategies for survival and evaluate current experiences in light of those strategies. The existence of this process may explain the meaning of dreams in human beings (Winston, 1989). For humans, it could be that our innermost thought transpose 2 into our dreams. When we’re awake, we have to concentrate on being a rational, self-aware, and an accepting member of society. Asleep, our brain reaches into the memory files for image information and experience, weaving these into a story (Kopecky, 1995). Every generation has to learn from their mistakes which are stored in memories. To know what we’ve done in the past is important, which makes memory so valuable to us. A memory is where a dream begins, which is why dreams can be so valuable to us. Dreams are sophisticated, powerful, primal works of art created by your inner healer and artist: the unconscious. Your hidden artist weaves past, present and future into intricate and bizarre patterns that on the surface may seem to make no sense, and yet are strangely compelling. 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